The objective of the Association is to promote mutual knowledge, coexistence and bonds among people from different social sectors within the five continents without distinction of race, religion or social origin.
To this end, supported by the principles of dignity, human rights and social solidarity the Association promotes the diffusion and practice in all of its activities of a code of values on which it is based and which are shared by all its members:
- Freedom
- Merit
- Equal opportunities
- Pluralism
- Multiculturalism

S.A.R. Emir Lahouari Benarba Ben Maniedinne Al Hassani

Lucía Navarro

Chiqui Navarro
International Meetings

Toledo sede de la Cumbre Mundial de los Valores Universales 2024
Entre los objetivos están promover el conocimiento mutuo entre las distintas culturas, la convivencia y los vínculos entre jóvenes de diferentes sectores sociales de los cinco continentes, sin distinción de raza, religión u origen Durante el acto se llevó a cabo un...

Madrid Acoge La Clausura De La III Cumbre Mundial De Los Valores Universales
La cena de Gala tuvo lugar en el Casino de Madrid haciendo entrega de reconocimientos, entre otros, a la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, en la categoría “Defensa de la libertad y vocación de servicio público”. También recibieron el galardón,...

June 25th – 27th 2020 | Madrid – Spain
Les Jeunes du Monde Unis (LJMU) will summon the Third 2019 LJMU International Meeting in Madrid, Spain over 25-26 June 2020

November 6th – 9th 2019 | Madrid – Spain
Meetings September 6th – 9th 2019 Madrid – Spain Les Jeunes du Monde Unis (LJMU) convened the Second 2019 LJMU International Meeting in Madrid, Spain over 6-9 September. The annual LJMU International Meeting is becoming one of the world’s foremost gatherings of young...

November 11th, 12th and 13th 2018 | Madrid – Spain
MeetingsNovember 11th, 12th and 13th 2018 Madrid – Spain The first LJMU International Meeting kicked off in Madrid the Les Jeune du Monde Unis global project. International leaders guided our young participants through topics as education, cooperation, security,...
Les Valeurs du Monde Unis association (LVMU) intends to think, study, debate and contribute to promote a better knowledge upon global society, disseminating the values and principles that guide our members.
Its purpose is to collaborate with the global effort to solve society’s problems, for the benefit of all citizens and future generations, regardless of nationality, race, religion or social status.
According to the association statutes, the LVMU mission is to promote and expand knowledge, sharing experiences and promotion of humanist values in the global society.
This association is strictly independent of political organizations and does not support any particular political ideology.
LVMU will act with absolute independence in relation to all public and private authorities, ideologies, currents of opinion, philosophical tendencies, creeds or religions.
Its bodies – the Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Council of Ambassadors and the High Council – are the key-supporters of compliance with statutory standards, in particular their independence.
Its activity, however, it is guided by the principles of the dignity of the human person and social solidarity and the values of freedom, merit, equal opportunities, pluralism and multiculturalism.
Within LVMU activities, in particular in public debates, this association is especially focused on the recommendations for its Assembly and global society. For this purpose, in its research and discussion activities the association requires independence and exactitude in the analyses performed.
Thus, we believe we can contribute more effectively towards the improvement of present’s and future society.
Due to the LVMU’s mission, despite other necessary activities in line of its purposes, LVMU will promote events, conferences, seminars, lectures and studies, in several areas, with the purpose to disseminate, where appropriate, its analyses on the results, making public recommendations.
The conclusions and recommendations of LVMU’s work aim to foster public discussion on the topics that materialize the object of the works.
At this early stage, in order to achieve our objective, LVMU will promote debates and conferences and other initiatives that, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, allow a better understanding of the reality in which our globalized society is located.
These activities will take place periodically, organized by the Board of Directors, supported by the Board of Ambassadors and the High Council.
It is intended that the conclusions and recommendations that results from these events will be disseminated to foster further debate on major international problems and contribute to sustainability, justice, development and strengthening social cohesion.
A special emphasis will be placed on dissemination and debate. In fact, LVMU wants the results of its own research and studies to be discussed by society as widely as possible. To this end, whenever possible, the academic environment will always be included in the LVMU works through the participation of Universities and higher education institutions.
Priority Themes:
- Society and Technological Evolution
- Environment and Economic Development
- The World of “Post-Truth”
- Demographic and Food Safety
- Social Inequalities: Values and Challenges
Algeria • Angola • Armenia • Azerbaijan • Australia • Belgium • Bulgaria • Cambodia • Canada • Cape Verde • Chile • China • Colombia • Croatia • Denmark • Egypt • France • Germany • Greece • Guinea • Hungary • Iceland • India • Indonesia • Iraq • Italy • Jordan • Lebanon • Libya • Malaysia • Malta • Mexico • Mozambique • Netherlands • Oman • Panama • Philipines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Senegal • Singapore • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Togo • Tunisia • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States of America • Venezuela